VDR Plugin 'deluxe' Revision History ------------------------------------ 2008-01-06: Version 0.0.5 - support for vdr 1.7.3 - the channel ID of the deluxe channel can now also be passed by the new commandline option --channel or -c, e.g.: -P'deluxe -c C-65300-29-29040' 2007-12-31: Version 0.0.4 - translation fixes 2007-09-02: Version 0.0.3 - support for vdr>1.5.7 - added conversion 'Create audio and video clips' 2007-02-04: Version 0.0.2 - blacklist support with regular expressions in the file blacklist.conf. A sample file exists in the conf subdirectory. Use the blacklist.conf to ignore unwanted tracks or to avoid double tracks already present in your collection. Thanks to Mike Constabel (vejoun@vdrportal) for providing the script archiv2blacklist.pl that scans an mp3/ogg directory recursively to fill the blacklist. - Support for formats mp3/ogg with setup option 'Audio format'. Thanks to Mike Constabel for providing a converter script to ogg. Please copy deluxe2ogg.sh to the path of your executables. - new warning when shutdown triggered while audio conversion still active - rearranged color keys to reflect the workflow (Songs->Mark->Convert->Delete). - better menu handling after return from replay - Support for Bigpatch and VDR-Extension-Patch - Fixed a problem with recordings that had special chars in their path - update of README(.de) because of deluxe2ogg.sh and some additonal hints - compiles now with linvdr 2007-01-02: Version 0.0.1 - Initial revision.